Steps To Start Your ECommerce Business With A Well-featured ECommerce App

zahra steve
5 min readJul 20, 2021


Ecommerce App Development
Ecommerce App Development

Years ago, when ECommerce sites were launched, none of us had any idea of how revolutionizing it would be in the future. The segment which was believed to have no scope is now ruling the entire world.

It all started with the advent of smartphones that we all became more familiar with using mobile applications. When there were only ECommerce sites and web-based shopping facilities, the demand was less. Mobile apps changed the entire way of shopping. People could scroll through the app and buy their products with just a click.

ECommerce apps are the stepping stones for entrepreneurs to reach great heights. On witnessing the huge demand for ECommerce apps, popular brands like Nike and Adidas have also ventured into the app market.

Now, you might be thinking about how to get started to develop your own ECommerce app. Well, in this blog, I have discussed all possible means to launch your ECommerce business in the market.

How profitable is it to start an ECommerce business?

To be very frank, the real reason for the success of the ECommerce business is the millennial generation. As millennials, we are used to technology without which we cannot even survive a day. We always prefer gadgets over other mediums to get things. Without them, the market would not have grown to this number.

Customer buying behavior is one of the important factors considered in marketing. It changes over a while and is not constant. Entrepreneurs who have achieved big in the ECommerce business understand the changing buying pattern of people.

Whatever you decide to sell through the online marketplace will be a huge success in this present scenario. It can be anything from clothes to accessories, food to groceries, from flowers to gifts; everything has a good scope.

Amazon, the pioneer of the ECommerce market, has gained around 197 million users in 2020. Consumers are highly conscious about checking reviews and prices with Amazon before buying them. This is the trust and loyalty it has earned from people.

Their numbers are evident enough for us to understand the scope and potential of the ECommerce business. Many such successful players in the market like Flipkart, Snapdeal, Alibaba, Etsy, etc., maintain their standards in the market.

Ecommerce Apps

Steps to follow to launch your ECommerce business successfully

Before starting with your ECommerce business, you need to follow the below steps to run your business successfully,

1.Select your niche

Niche has become the buzzword for marketing a business. When every other business is focusing on one particular niche, you can identify your own niche. This is the stage where you have to decide on what you are going to provide for your customers. But remember that you have to stay on with the product if you choose your products at this stage. You should offer them for the long run.

So be practical about what you can offer to your customers. At the same time, you have to stick to it till the end.

2.Know your target audience

Marketing your product to all the audience will not work. For example, Lamborghini does not advertise its brand on TV commercials. This is because it knows where it has to market its product. The same applies to your business also. As we have already discussed, millennials will be your ultimate target.

Now, you will focus on things that millennials prefer in their shopping. Mostly, they prefer buying things through gadgets; they expect to buy things from a large variety of products. Moreover, they prefer to get their things in a short duration.

3. Analyze your competitor’s performance

This is the most important thing to understand before entering into the ECommerce business. Know your competitors and identify their strengths and weaknesses. Identify gaps from their products so that you can bridge them in your app. This will help you go a long way.

After that, frame your own strategies to market your app. Your strategies should be clear-cut to reach customers.

4. Find proper technical support to develop your app.

This is the step where you have to find your app developers to develop your app carefully. If you wish to develop your product from the ground level, it will take you a long duration to complete the app. Instead, I suggest you opt for app development companies that can assist you in providing ready-made cloned apps.

These ready-to-launch apps will help you start your ECommerce business within a short span of time. They are also cost-effective and a time-saving option.

What are some of the popular models for your ECommerce start-up?

At the initial stages, you can start your ECommerce app by replicating popular models and their features. Here are some ideas for your ECommerce business,

Amazon clone

It is needless for entrepreneurs like you to discuss the success of Amazon. The Amazon clone is a white-labeled solution developed with the features of the standard app. With an Amazon clone, you can build a strong platform for both your sellers and buyers.

Flipkart clone

Flipkart, the famous ECommerce platform, has gained billions of users in recent years. In 2020, the company generated a revenue of 346 billion INR. You can get your ready-to-launch Flipkart clone and start your ECommerce application.

Alibaba clone

The Chinese-based e-commerce giant is a popular name in the ECommerce market. Alibaba follows a strong B2B business model. If you aim to launch a B2B based ECommerce app, you can select a white-labeled Alibaba clone to launch your business.

AliExpress clone

AliExpress, a part of Alibaba group, strictly follows both B2B and B2C business models. If you wish to spread your business to a larger extent, try launching your AliExpress clone on Android and iOS platforms.

Etsy clone

With a well-developed Etsy clone, you can launch your online marketplace swiftly. Etsy is known for providing antique and handcrafted products directly from the sellers to the buyers. You can also try a similar model for your start-up with an Etsy clone.

eBay clone

If launching a powerful online marketplace is your aim, then an eBay clone will be an apt choice for you. With a ready-to-launch eBay clone, you can launch your ECommerce app in no time.

Meesho clone

Meesho has been the recent buzz in the market. The Meesho clone will also be a perfect solution for business. Go for a white-labeled application and remodel them for your customization standards.

Wrapping up,

The potential of ECommerce business can be analyzed through the increase in ECommerce apps. Earlier, we could find very few ECommerce apps. But now, the scenario has changed with more market players. Make an attractive entry into the market with a wisely developed ECommerce app.



zahra steve

I’m zahra Steve, a digital marketing professional with highly optimized search engine optimization.